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Privacy Policy

Hello, welcome to use this App. This App is operated by AIO DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY (hereinafter referred to as AIO). Because the collection, processing, and use of your personal information involve your privacy rights, the company collects, processes, and uses your personal information. When collecting data, it will be handled in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law (hereinafter referred to as the Personal Data Law) and the provisions of this privacy policy. Please be sure to read the content of this clause carefully. If you do not agree with all or part of the content of this clause, please immediately If you stop using this App, if you continue to use or register as a member of this website, it means that you have read, understood and agreed to the entire content of these terms and have no objection.

This Privacy Policy applies to the collection, processing, and use of your personal data in this App. However, it does not apply to websites that are linked to websites operated by third parties through this App. The collection, processing, and use of your personal information by each website are handled in accordance with the relevant regulations of each website, and the company has nothing to do with it.
You agree to use the personal information you provide to the company (including but not limited to your real name, address, mobile phone number, date of birth, etc., order information) for the company to collect, process and use. You must respect your rights and interests when providing information, and do so in an honest and trustworthy manner. Unless otherwise stipulated in the Personal Information Protection Act and related laws and regulations, the company will only use your personal information for the specific purposes stipulated in this clause. The use of personal data will also be legitimately and reasonably related to the purpose of collection without exceeding the necessary scope of the specific purpose. If the company intends to process or use personal data based on other requirements other than the purpose of collection shown in this article, the company will further Also obtain your consent to ensure your rights. If it is necessary to transmit personal data through the network, it will go through the SSL encryption mechanism to protect the confidentiality and integrity of the data. In addition, during normal connection, the server will automatically collect usage data, including the IP address of the connected device, usage time, operating system used, browsing and clicking data records, etc., as we enhance the App The reference basis of the service, this record is for internal application and will never be released to the outside world.

Your personal data is not limited to Taiwan, and will be collected, processed and used by the company for the following purposes:

Establishing personal databases of users or consumers, product delivery, financial transactions and authorization, consumer purchase analysis, product recommendation and marketing, market analysis and statistics, market questionnaire surveys, product catalog delivery, etc.

The company may provide the personal data you provide to the company's business subcontractors or companies for collection, processing and use based on the specific purposes indicated in this clause.

You further agree that the company will provide your personal data to third parties in the event of the following:
According to the requirements, orders or actions of courts, judicial organs or other government agencies, or other legal requirements.
Use by any person under a duty of confidentiality to the Company.
It is used for anonymous and de-identified analysis data.
For the development of mutual business relationship.
Where otherwise agreed in these terms.
Circumstances permitted by other laws and regulations.
You have the following rights with respect to the personal data held by our company or this App:
Except for the exceptions stipulated in Article 10 of the Personal Information Act, you may inquire about, request to read, or request to make a copy from the company, but the company may charge the necessary costs in accordance with the provisions of Article 14 of the Personal Information Act.
It is possible to request supplements or corrections from the company, but in accordance with Article 19 of the Implementation Rules of the Personal Information Law, you should properly explain the reasons and facts.
If the company collects, processes or uses your personal data in violation of the Personal Data Law, you may request the company to stop the collection in accordance with Article 11, Item 4 of the Personal Data Law.
If the accuracy of personal data is in dispute, you may request the company to stop processing or using your personal data. However, in accordance with the provisions of the second proviso of Article 11 of the Personal Information Law, the company must perform business and indicate the dispute or obtain your written consent, except for this limitation.
When the specific purpose of personal data collection disappears or the period expires, you may request the company to delete, stop processing or use your personal data. However, in accordance with the proviso of Article 11, Paragraph 3 of the Personal Information Law, the company must perform business or obtain your written consent, except for this limitation.
The company has no way of knowing the real age of the users of this App and if they are minors, whether they have been consented by their legal representatives. In case of doubts about the collection, processing and use of minors' personal data, the legal representative may notify the company at any time to stop the collection, processing and use of minors' personal data, and the company will stop providing the services of this website to the minors. minor.
In order to optimize your user experience, when you use this App, we will use mechanisms such as browser web storage (including HTML 5) and application data caching to collect information (including personal information) and store it stored locally on your device.
To protect your privacy and security, your member account information and other personal information will be encrypted for protection. The company will use reasonable technology and procedures to protect the security of your personal data.
Please keep your account number and password or any personal information safe, and do not provide any personal information to anyone. If you share a computer with others or use a public computer, please remember to log out and remember to close the browser window to Prevent others from reading your personal data or correspondence
The company or this app reserves the right to modify the terms at any time, and the revised terms will be announced on the app. If you continue to use the service of the app after the amendment of the terms, it means that you have reviewed, understood and agreed to the entire content of the terms. If you do not agree to the modification or change, please stop using the App service immediately and apply to the company for canceling the member account. After canceling the member account, the company will not be able to continue to provide you with the service of the App.

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